Tuesday 1 January 2013

The Hofbräuhaus 350th Anniversary in 1939 Marked the Switch From Kgl. to Staatl.

When the Hofbräuhaus celebrated it's 350th Anniversary in 1939, the Hofbräuhaus ceased to officially be known as Königliches (Kgl.) Hofbräuhaus and hence forth was known as the Staatliches (Staatl.) Hofbräuhaus. Many HB enthusiasts believed this switch occurred after World War I, when the nation ceased to be ruled by the Kaiser, as did I, but in e-mail correspondence with the Hofbräuhaus they told me that it wasn't until 1939 when the change in title was made. In the two 350th Anniversary steins below, pictured is the last Kgl. Hofbräuhaus stein and the first Staatl. Hofbräuhaus stein. Thus, any Hofbräuhaus stein with a Staatl. is post-1939.

1 comment:

  1. The Kgl referred, at the end, to Ludwig III, the last king of Bavaria. The Kaiser was the emperor of Germany and the King of Prussia.
